供稿、攝影:分布式航天器系統技術研究所 編輯:趙亞康
應伟德客户端張景瑞教授邀請,德國漢諾威萊布尼茲大學Michael Beer教授于2020年1月5日至1月15日訪問伟德客户端,并于13日下午在研究生院201報告廳為學校師生做了題為《從期刊編委的視角談如何發表高水平期刊論文》的學術報告。報告由畢司峰老師主持。
Michael Beer is Professor and Head of the Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, since 2015. He is also part time Professor at the University of Liverpool and at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. He obtained a doctoral degree from Technische Universität Dresden and pursued post-doctoral research at Rice University. From 2007 to 2011 Dr. Beer worked as an Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore. In 2011 he joined the University of Liverpool as Chair in Uncertainty in Engineering and Founding Director of the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty and established a large Doctoral Training Center on Quantification and Management of Risk & Uncertainty. Dr. Beer’s research is focused on uncertainty quantification in engineering with emphasis on imprecise probabilities. Dr. Beer is Editor in Chief (joint) of the Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Associate Editor of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Reliability and Safety, and Member of thirteen Editorial Boards including Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Computers & Structures, Structural Safety, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, and International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification. He has won several awards including the CADLM PRIZE 2007 – Intelligent Optimal Design and a Certificate for Highly Cited Research in Structural Safety. His publications include a book, several monographs and a large number of journal and conference papers. He is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Chair of the C(PS)2 of the Bernoulli Society and Member of ASCE (EMI), ASME, IACM, ESRA, EASD, and GACM.