1. 國家自然科學基金委員會,面上項目, 動态強電場環境下鐵電多級納米結構的電-力學行為與疇結構調控,2022-01至2025-12, 61萬元,在研,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金委員會,面上項目, 動态熱力學環境下納米晶NiTi形狀記憶合金力學響應的相場計算分析及其微結構動力學機理研究,2017-01至2020-12, 68萬元,已結題,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金委員會,面上項目,鐵電納米多晶動态電-力學特性外場頻率相關性的微結構動力學機理研究,2015-01至2018-12,90萬元,已結題,主持
4. 爆炸科學與技術國家重點實驗室,開放課題項目,沖擊載荷作用下鐵電材料非線性力-電耦合動态響應的微觀機理研究,2012-01至2013-12,10萬元,已結題,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金委員會,青年科學基金項目,低維鐵電納米結構内部特殊微結構的力學研究與相場模拟,2011-01至2013-12,22萬元,已結題,主持
6. 教育部,新世紀優秀人才支持計劃,多鐵性複合結構在多場作用下的力、電、磁學性能表征,2011-01至2013-12,50萬元,已結題,主持
7. 教育部,留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目,低維鐵電納米結構中環形疇的相場模拟,2011-01至2011-12,4.5萬元,已結題,主持
8. 國家自然科學基金委員會,主任基金項目,鐵電陶瓷的微觀結構演化模型及其有限元應用,2009-01至2009-12,10萬元,已結題,主持
9. 國家自然科學基金委員會,創新研究群體項目(延續資助),複雜介質/結構動态力學行為,2016-01至2018-12,600萬元,已結題,參加
10. 國家自然科學基金委員會,創新研究群體項目,複雜介質/結構動态力學行為,2013-01至2015-12,600萬元,已結題,參加
11. 國家自然科學基金委員會,重點項目,金屬高速切削機理及相關力學基礎理論研究,2012-01至2016-12,340萬元,已結題,參加
[1] Fan, Y., Hang, Z., Liu, H., Feng, C., Yang, J., Su, Y., Weng, G.J. Frequency-dependent electrical properties of microscale, self-enclosed ionic liquid enhanced soft composites. Soft Matter, 19: 1913-1929, 2023
[2] Sheng, Y., Li, C., Wang, J., Xia, X., Weng, G.J., Su, Y.* Multiscale modeling of thermal conductivity of hierarchical CNT-polymer nanocomposite system with progressive agglomeration. Carbon, 201: 785-795, 2023.
[3] 席尚賓, 蘇煜*. 應力作用下NiTi形狀記憶合金微結構演化的相場模拟及其本征應變率敏感性[J]. 爆炸與沖擊, 42(9): 091403, 2022
[4] Li, C., Wang, J., Sheng, Y., Yang, L., Su, Y.* The strain-dependent interfacial thermal resistance at graphene-silicon interface under various deformation conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 198: 123383, 2022
[5] Zhang, M.R. and Su, Y.* The negative dielectric permittivity of polycrystalline barium titanate nanofilms under high-strength kHz-AC fields. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 254: 111939, 2022
[6] Xia, X., Du, Z., Su, Y., Li, J., Weng, G.J. Dual thermodynamics approach to the temperature dependence of viscoplastic creep durability in graphene-based nanocomposites. International Journal of Plasticity, 157: 103400, 2022.
[7] Wang, J., Li, C., Sheng, Y., Su, Y.*, Yang, L. Cross-scale investigation of the size effect on thermal conductivity of monolayer graphene. Applied Physics Letters, 121: 042202, 2022
[8] Zhu, H., Zhao, Y.Y., Ouyang, J., Wang, K., Cheng, H., Su, Y.* Achieving a Record-High Capacitive Energy Density on Si with Columnar Nanograined Ferroelectric Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(6): 7805-7813, 2022
[9] Xi, S., Su, Y.* A phase field study of the grain-size effect on the thermomechanical behavior of polycrystalline NiTi thin films. Acta Mechanica, 232: 4545–4566, 2021
[10] Zhao, Y., Ouyang, J.*, Wang, K., Yuan, M., Gao, Y., Su, Y.*, Cheng, H., Liu, M., Yang, Q. and Pan, W., Achieving an ultra-high capacitive energy density in ferroelectric films consisting of superfine columnar nanograins, Energy Storage Materials, 39: 81-88, 2021
[11] Hu, Z.M., Su, Y. and Li, J.* Frequency-dependent nonlinear electromechanical coupling behaviors of ferroelectric composites, Composites Science and Technology, 204: 108649, 2021
[12] Xi, S. and Su, Y.* Phase field study of the microstructural dynamic evolution and mechanical response of NiTi shape memory alloy under mechanical loading. Materials, 14: 183, 2021
[13] Wang, J., Li, C., Li, J., Weng, G.J.*, and Su, Y.* A multiscale study of the filler-size and temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Carbon, 175: 259-270, 2021
[14] Li, C., Wang, J.*, and Su, Y.* A dual-role theory of the aspect ratio of the nanofillers for the thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. International Journal of Engineering Science, 160: 103453, 2021
[15] Hu, Z.M., Su, Y., and Li, J.* Nonlinear magnetoelectric effects of multiferroic composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 212: 96-106, 2021
[16] Zhang, Q. and Su, Y.* The frequency dependence of electromechanical behaviors of columnar-grained BaTiO3 nanofilms. Physics Letters A, 384: 126374, 2020
[17] Li, X. and Su, Y.* A phase-field study of the martensitic detwinning in NiTi shape memory alloys under tension or compression. Acta Mechanica, 231(4): 1539-1557, 2020
[18] Wang, J., Li, J.J., Weng, G.J. and Su, Y.* The effects of temperature and alignment state of nanofillers on the thermal conductivity of both metal and nonmetal based graphene nanocomposites. Acta Materialia, 185: 461-473, 2020
[19] Xie, F., Su, Y.*, Zhou, W., and Zhang, W.Z. Design and evaluation of a shunted flexible piezoelectric damper for vibration control of cable structures. Smart Materials and Structures, 28(8): 085031, 2019
[20] Wang, J., Hu, Y., Su, Y., Gong, L. and Zhang, Q. Magneto-elastic internal resonance of an axially moving conductive beam in the magnetic field. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 57(1): 179-191, 2019
[21] Zhang, Q. and Su, Y.* Thickness and grain-size dependence of ferroelectric properties in columnar-grained BaTiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(14): 144103, 2018.
[22] Zhang, Q., Xia, X., Wang, J. and Su, Y.* Effects of epitaxial strain, film thickness and electric-field frequency on the ferroelectric behavior of BaTiO3 nano films. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 114-145: 32-45, 2018.
[23] Su, Y.*, Li, J.J. and Weng, G.J. Theory of thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites with interfacial Kapitza resistance and graphene-graphene contact resistance. Carbon, 137: 222-233, 2018.
[24] Su, Y. and Weng, G.J. The frequency dependence of microstructure evolution in a ferroelectric nano-film during AC dynamic polarization switching. Acta Mechanica, 229(2), pp.795-805, 2018.
[25] Yuan, K., Guo, W., Li, P., Wang, J., Su, Y., Lin, X. and Li, Y. Influence of process parameters and heat treatments on the microstructures and dynamic mechanical behaviors of Inconel 718 superalloy manufactured by laser metal deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 721: 215-225, 2018.
[26] Xia, X., Su, Y., Zhong, Z. and Weng, G.J. A unified theory of plasticity, progressive damage and failure in graphene-metal nanocomposites, International Journal of Plasticity, 99: 58-80. 2017
[27] Guo, H., Guo, W., Zhai, Y. and Su, Y. Experimental and modeling investigation on the dynamic response of granite after high-temperature treatment under different pressures, Construction and Building Materials, 155: 427-440, 2017
[28] Wu, Y., Zhang, W., Meng, X. and Su Y. Compensated positive position feedback for active control of piezoelectric structures, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(3): 397-410, 2017
[29] Zhou, P., Guo, W., and Su, Y. Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser solid formed Ti-6Al-4V alloy under dynamic shear loading, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26(7): 3121–3132, 2017
[30] Yuan, K., Guo, W., Su, Y., Shi, Y., Lei, J. and Guo H. Study on several key problems in shock calibration of high-g accelerometers using Hopkinson bar, Sensors and Actuators A, 258: 1-13, 2017
[31] Su, Y.*, Kang, H., Wang, Y., Li, J. and Weng, G.J. Intrinsic versus extrinsic effects of the grain boundary on the properties of ferroelectric nanoceramics, Physical Review B, 95: 054121, 2017
[32] Meguid, S.A., Su, Y. and Wang, Y. Complete morphing wing design using a flexible-rib system, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 13: 159-171, 2017
[33] Li, X.C. and Su, Y.* Three-dimensional stress analysis of thin structures using a boundary element method with sinh transformation for nearly singular integrals, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 72: 2773-2787, 2016
[34] Wu, Y.S., Zhang, W.Z., Meng, X.Y. and Su, Y. Nonlinear vibration control of cable net structures with bounded uncertainties, Acta Mechanica, 227(10): 2985-3000, 2016
[35] Liu, N. and Su, Y.* A comparative study of the phase-field approach in modeling the frequency-dependent characteristics of ferroelectric materials, Acta Mechanica, 227: 2671-2682, 2016
[36] Jin, L.W. and Su, Y.* Effect of thermomechanical coupling on the scaling behavior of low-frequency hysteresis of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 ceramics, Electronic Materials Letters, 12(3): 371-375, 2016
[37] Su, Y. and Meguid, S.A. Multiphysics modeling and characterization of explosively loaded aluminum blocks, Acta Mechanica, 227: 707-720, 2016
[38] Wang, J. Guo, W.G. and Su, Y. Anomalous behaviors of a single-crystal Nickel-base superalloy over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates, Mechanics of Materials, 94: 79-90, 2016
[39] Li, P.H., Guo, W.G., Huang, W.D., Su, Y., Lin, X. and Yuan, K.B. Thermomechanical response of 3D laser-deposited Ti-6Al-4V alloy over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 647: 34-32, 2015
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[41] Wang, Y., Su, Y., Li J. and Weng G.J., A theory of magnetoelectric coupling with interface effects and aspect-ratio dependence in piezoelectric-piezomagnetic composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 117:164106, 2015
[42] Su, Y., Liu, N. and Weng, G.J. A phase field study of frequency dependence and grain-size effects in nanocrystalline ferroelectric polycrystals, Acta Materialila, 87:293-308, 2015
[43] Chen, Z. Su, Y.* and Meguid, S.A. The effect of field-orientation on the magnetoelectric coupling in Terfenol-D/PZT/Terfenol-D laminated structure, Journal of Applied Physics, 116:173910, 2014
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[50] Su, Y., Chen, H., Li, J.J., Soh, A.K. and Weng, G.J. Effects of surface tension on the size-dependent ferroelectric characteristics of free-standing BaTiO3 nano-thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 110:084108, 2011
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[62] Nemat-Nasser, S., Su, Y., Guo, W.G. and Isaacs, J. Experimental Characterization and Micromechanical Modeling of Superelastic Response of a Porous NiTi Shape-Memory Alloy, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53: 2320-2346, 2005