1. 2017年獲得國家級青年人才項目資助
2. University of Arkansas at Little Rock 工程學院優秀博士畢業生獎勵
3. University of Arkansas at Little Rock 工程科學與系統專業優秀博士生獎勵
在Nat. Commun.等國際期刊發表SCI收錄論文40餘篇,最新發表論文列表詳見: http://www.zhuruigroup.cn/
[1]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun and G. L. Huang* (2014), “Negative refraction of elastic waves at the deep subwavelength scale in a single-phase metamaterial”, Nature Communications,5: 5510.(ESI高被引文章)
[2]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun and G. L. Huang* (2014), “A chiral elastic metamaterial beam for broadband vibration suppression”, Journal of Sound and Vibration,333:2759-2773. (ESI高被引文章)
[3]. M. Zhang, J. Yang, R. Zhu* (2021), “ Origami-based bistable metastructures for low-frequency vibration control”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88: 051009.
[4]. M. Zheng, C.I. Park, X. Liu, R. Zhu*, G. Hu*, Y.Y. Kim* (2020), “Non-resonant metasurface for broadband elastic wave mode splitting”, Applied Physics Letters 116: 171903.
[5]. Y. Wang, W. Zhao, J.J. Rimoli, R. Zhu*, G. Hu* (2020), “Prestress-controlled asymmetric wave propagation and reciprocity-breaking in tensegrity metastructure”, Extreme Mechanics Letters 37: 100724.
[6]. M. Zheng, X. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Miao, R. Zhu*, G. Hu* (2019), “Theory and realization of nonresonant anisotropic singly polarized solids carrying only shear waves”, Physical Review Applied 12: 014027.
[7]. R. Zhu, Y. Y. Chen, M. V. Barnhart, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun, G. L. Huang* (2016), “Experimental study of an adaptive elastic metamaterial controlled by electric circuits”, Applied Physics Letters 108: 011905.
[8]. R. Zhu, G. L. Huang*, F. G. Yuan* (2013), “Fast damage imaging using the time-reversal technique in the frequency–wavenumber domain”, Smart Materials and Structures 22: 075028.
[9]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G.L. Huang, H. H. Huang*, C. T. Sun (2012), “Microstructural design and experimental validation of elastic metamaterial plates with anisotropic mass density”, Physical Review B 86:144307.
[10]. R. Zhu, H. H. Huang, G. L. Huang, C. T. Sun* (2011), “Microstructure continuum modeling of an elastic metamaterial”, International Journal of Engineering Science 49:1477-1485.