[1] Ziqing Hao; Hongjun Ke; Na Li; Xiaoyu Wang; Jinming Li, Liu Liu*, A novel method for the characterization of through-thickness shear constitutive behavior of composites, Composites Science and Technology , 2023, 233:109919.
[2] Gaojian Wei; Ziqing Hao; Guangchang Chen; Hongjun Ke; Linlin Deng, Liu Liu*,Rapid assessment of out-of-plane nonlinear shear stress–strain response for thick-section composites using artificial neural networks and DIC, Composite Structures, 2023, 310:116770.
[3]Jinming Li; George Kardomateas; Liu Liu*, Vibration analysis of thick-section sandwich structures in thermal environments, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 241:107937.
[4]Ziqing Hao, Guangchang Chen, Hongjun Ke, Linlin Deng, Liu Liu*,Characterization of out-of-plane tensile stress–strain behavior for GFRP composite materials at elevated temperatures, Composite Structures, 2022, 290:115477.
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[6]Linlin Deng; Ziqing Hao; Lei Zhang; Liu Liu*, Experimental and numerical investigation of progressive damage and failure behavior for 2.5D woven alumina fiber/silica matrix composites under a complex in-plane stress state, Composite Structures, 2021, 270(2021):114032.
[7] Ziqing Hao; Xiaohui Ji; Linlin Deng; Hongjun Ke; Liu Liu*, Measurement of multiple mechanical properties for polymer composites using digital image correlation at elevated temperatures, Materials &Design, 2021, 198(2021):109349.
[8]陸毛須;姬曉慧;郝自清;張磊;劉劉*, 複雜面内應力狀态下平面編織高鋁纖維增強氧化鋁基複合材料強度及疲勞壽命預測方法,複合材料學報, 2021,38(0):1-15.
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[10]Jin-ming Li; Banghua Zhao; Hao Cheng; George Kardomateas; Liu Liu*, Nonlinear dynamic response of a sandwich structure with flexible core in thermal environments, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/1099636220930981.
[11]劉劉,姬曉慧,郝自清,曲宏亮,賀體人, 數字圖像相關技術在多孔氣凝膠基複合材料彈性力學常數識别中的應用, 伟德客户端學報, 2020, 40(10):1033-1042.
[12]Xiao-hui Ji, Zi-qing Hao, Li-jun Su, Ti-ren He, Liu Liu*,Characterizing the constitutive response of plain-woven fibre reinforced aerogel matrix composites using digital image correlation, Composite Structures, 2020, 234(15), 111652.
[13]Liu Liu*;Jinming Li; G Kardomateas, Nonlinear vibration of a composite plate to harmonic excitation with initial geometric imperfection in thermal environments, Composite Structures, 2019, 209:401-423.
[14] Liu Liu*; Jian Ren; Ti-Ren He; George Kardomateas, Nonlinear dynamic response of acoustically excited and thermally loaded composite plates resting on elastic foundations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 148-149:44-66.
[15]Tiren He;Liu Liu*,Andrew Makeev. Uncertainty analysis in composite material properties characterization using digital image correlation and finite element model updating, Composite Structures, 2018, 184:337-351.
[16]Tiren He;Liu Liu*;Andrew Makeev;Brian Shonkwiler. Characterization of stress–strain behavior of composites using digital image correlation and finite element analysis, Composite Structures, 2016, 140:84-93.
[17] Liu Liu*; Bing-Yang Lv; Yong-Shan Li. Dynamic response of acoustically excited plates resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments, Composite Structures, 2016, 156(15):35-46.
[18] Liu Liu*; Bing-Yang Lv; Tiren He. The stochastic dynamic snap-through response of thermally buckled composite panels, Composite Structures, 2015, 131(1):344-355.
[19]Paige Carpentier; Andrew Makeev; Liu Liu*; Brian Shonkwiler. An Improved Short-Beam Method for Measuring Multiple Constitutive Properties for Composites, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2015, 44(1):1-14.
[20]J. W.Holmes*; Liu Liu; Bent F. Sørensen; Søren Wahlgren. Experimental approach for mixed-mode fatigue delamination crack growth with large-scale bridging in polymer composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 2014, 45(25):3111-3128.
[21] Liu Liu*; Qiong Guo; Tiren He. Thermal-Acoustic Fatigue of a Multilayer Thermal Protection System in Combined Extreme Environments, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/176891.
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1、 軍科委,基礎加強計劃重點基礎研究項目子課題,xxxx三維本構關系及損傷容限快速分析方法,2019.12~2024.12,300萬,在研,主持。
13、 國家自然科學基金委員會,青年科學基金項目,高超聲速飛行器熱防護系統金屬蜂窩結構高溫耐久性問題研究,2011.01~2013.12,25萬元,已結題,主持