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[2] Sihui Tong, Yanan Yi, Qinwei Ma, Guangyan Liu, Li Shi, Libin Sun, Shaopeng Ma. Dynamic fracture toughness measurement of graphite material considering inertial effect. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024, 186:104873.
[3] Lu Wang, Guangyan Liu, Yawen Deng, Wenzhang Sun, Qinwei Ma, Shaopeng Ma. Investigation on out-of-plane displacement measurements of thin films via a mechanical constraint-based 3D-DIC technique. Optics Communications, 2023, 530:129015.
[4] Lu Wang, Guangyan Liu, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Shaopeng Ma. A novel deep-learning-based objective function for inverse identification of material properties. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2023, 584:154579.
[5] Yanan Yi, Tongzhen Xing, Guangyan Liu, Libin Sun, Li Shi, Shaopeng Ma. Effects of tensile and compressive stresses on damage evolution law of nuclear graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2023, 583:154513.
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