發表研究論文50餘篇,其中以第一/通訊作者身份發表AIAA Journal、Physics of Fluids等行業頂級/重要期刊SCI論文18篇
[1] FU, H., ZHOU, L.*, and JI, L. “Influence of Sub Boundary Layer Vortex Generator Height and Attack Angle on Cross-Flows in the Hub Region of Compressors.” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 35, No. 8, 2022, pp. 30–44.
[2] Meng, T., Li, X., Zhou, L.*, Zhu, H., Li, J., and Ji, L. “Large Eddy Simulation and Combined Control of Corner Separation in a Compressor Cascade.” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, No. 7, 2022, p. 075113.
[3] Zhu, H., Zhou, L.*, Fu, H., Sun, S., Ji, L., and Lin, B. “Investigation on Corner Stall Prediction and Flow Control by Blended Blade and End Wall Technology in a Compressor Cascade Based on Modified Spalart-Allmaras Model.” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, No. 11, 2022, p. 115147.
[4] Zhang, S., Zhou, L.*, and Ji, L. “Investigation of Hysteresis Loop in the Starting Process of Supersonic Cascade.” AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2022, pp. 2685–2693.
[5] MENG, T., YANG, G., ZHOU, L.*, and JI, L. “Full Blended Blade and Endwall Design of a Compressor Cascade.” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 34, No. 11, 2021, pp. 79–93.
[6] Zhu, H., Zhou, L.*, Meng, T., and Ji, L. “Corner Stall Control in Linear Compressor Cascade by Blended Blade and Endwall Technique Based on Large Eddy Simulation.” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, No. 11, 2021, p. 115124.
[7] Ma, J., Yang, G., Zhou, L.*, Ji, L., and Zhang, C. “Effect of a Blade End Slot on Supersonic Compressor Cascade Hub-Corner Separation.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 118, 2021, p. 107032.
[8] Zhang, C., Ji, L., Zhou, L.*, and Sun, S. “Effect of Blended Blade Tip and Winglet on Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Performances of a Diagonal Fan.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 98, 2020, p. 105688.
[9] Zhang, C., Ji, L., Zhou, L.*, and Zhang, Z. “Effects of Different Blended Blade Tip and Winglets on Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Performances of Diagonal Fans.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 106, 2020, p. 106200.
[10] Li, J., Ji, L., and Zhou, L.* “Design Optimization of a Blended Blade and Endwall in a Compressor Cascade.” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 142, No. 2, 2020, pp. 1–11.
[11] Li, X., Ji, L., and Zhou, L. *“Numerical Research on the Trailing-Edge Sweep of Supersonic/Transonic Turbines.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 99, 2020, p. 105696.
[12] Zhou, L., Zhao, R., and Yuan, W. “Application of Improved K-ω-γ Transition Model to Hypersonic Complex Configurations.” AIAA Journal, Vol. 57, No. 5, 2019, pp. 2214–2221.
[13] Zhou, L., Zhao, R., and Li, R. “A Combined Criteria-Based Method for Hypersonic Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Transition Prediction.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 73, No. 5, 2018, pp. 105–117.
[14] Zhou, L., Zhao, R., and Yuan, W. “An Investigation of Interface Conditions Inherent in Detached-Eddy Simulation Methods.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 74, 2018, pp. 46–55.
[15] Zhao, R., Zhou, L.*, and Ma, J. “CFD Design of Ventilation System for Large Underground Bus Terminal in Macau Barrier Gate.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 179, No. May, 2018, pp. 1–13.
[16] Zhou, L., Zhao, R., and Shi, X.-P. “An Entropy-Assisted Shielding Function in DDES Formulation for the SST Turbulence Model.” Entropy, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2017, p. 93.
[17] Zhou, L., Li, R., Hao, Z., Zaripov, D. I., and Yan, C. “Improved K-ω-γ Model for Crossflow-Induced Transition Prediction in Hypersonic Flow.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 115, 2017, pp. 115–130.
[18] Zhou, L., Yan, C., Hao, Z. H., and Du, R. F. “Improved k – ω – γ Model for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition Prediction.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 94, No. 2016, 2016, pp. 380–389.
[1] 張疏影, 周玲*, 季路成. “通道參數對超聲速葉栅性能的影響.” 航空動力學報, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2022, pp. 836–847.
[2] H. L. Zhu, L. Zhou*, J. B. Li, T. T. Meng, L. C. Ji, “Large eddy simulation of corner stall control in a linear compressor cascade by blended blade and end wall method,” Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society , GPPS-TC-2021-188 (2021).
[3] 王亮, 周玲*. “基于改進的k-ω-γ轉捩模式預測高超聲速飛行器氣動特性.” 空氣動力學報, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2021, pp. 51–61.
[4] 馬健詞, 周玲*, 季路成. “跨聲葉栅角區激波/附面層幹擾的開槽控制措施.” 航空動力學報, Vol. 36, No. 7, 2021, pp. 1377–1387.
[5] 王進, 周玲*, 季路成. “軸流壓氣機一維特性計算方法簡介及展望.” 實驗流體力學, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2021.
[6] 彭子昂, 于勇, 周玲*, 林博希. HIFiRE-5表面氣動熱分布的大渦模拟研究. 2022. 第二屆中國空氣動力學大會
[7] 黃明珂, 周玲*, 季路成. 稠度對壓氣機葉栅通道流動影響的LES研究. 2022. 2022年中國工程熱物理學會熱機氣動熱力學和流體機械學術會議
[8] 黃明珂, 周玲*, 季路成. 來流附面層厚度對高負荷壓氣機葉栅通道流動影響的LES研究. 2022. 第五屆中國空天推進技術論壇
[9] 孫叔賢, 周玲*, 朱熠辰, 蒙童桐, 朱慧玲, 季路成. 高負荷壓氣機葉栅角區分離流動控制實驗研究. 2022. 2022年中國工程熱物理學會熱機氣動熱力學和流體機械學術會議
[10] 普翔, 周玲*, 季路成. “超跨聲速風扇中葉尖間隙影響的兩種機制.” 熱能動力工程, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2022, pp. 55–63.
[11] 周玲, 閻超, 郝子輝, 孔維萱, 周禹, 轉捩模式與轉捩準則預測高超聲速邊界層流動, 航空學報. 37 (2016) 1092–1102. doi:10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0237.
[12] 周玲, 閻超, 孔維萱, 高超聲速飛行器前體邊界層強制轉捩數值模拟, 航空學報. 35 (2014) 1487–1495. doi:10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0480.
[13] L. Zhou, R. Zhao, R. Li, C. Yan, W. Zheng, Modeling of hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition using a criteria-based method, in: 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017. doi:10.2514/6.2017-2192.
[14] 周玲, 黃禮, 孔維萱, 郝子輝, 閻超, 高超聲速邊界層轉捩準則預測方法研究綜述, 高超聲速技術國際動态. 4 (2016) 32–46.
[15] L. Zhou, C. Yan, Z. Hao, W. Kong, A “laminar + transition criteria” model for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 798 (2015) 627–631. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.798.627.
[16] 周玲, 閻超, 郝子輝, 兩種工程轉捩預測方法對高超聲速橫流轉捩的預測性能研究, 中國力學大會, 2015.
[1] Sun, S., Zhou, L., and Ji, L. “Influence of Solidity on Aerodynamic Performance of Axial Supersonic Through-Flow Fan Cascades.” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2022, pp. 1–14.
[2] Sun, S., Hao, J., Yang, J., Zhou, L., and Ji, L. “Impacts of Tandem Configurations on the Aerodynamic Performance of an Axial Supersonic Through-Flow Fan Cascade.” Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 144, No. April, 2022, pp. 1–14.
[3] Li, J., Li, X., Ji, L., Yi, W., and Zhou, L. “Use of Blended Blade and End Wall Method in Compressor Cascades: Definition and Mechanism Comparisons.” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 92, 2019, pp. 738–749.
[4] ZHAO R, WEN C Y, LONG T H,TIAN X D, ZHOU L. Spatial Direct Numerical Simulation of the Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Stabilization Using Porous Coatings[J]. AIAA Journal, 2019, 57(11): 5061–5065.
[5] LI J, LI X, JI L,YI W L, ZHOU L. Use of Blended Blade and End Wall method in compressor cascades: Definition and mechanism comparisons[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier Masson SAS, 2019, 92: 738–749.
[6] HAO Z, YAN C, ZHOU L等. Development of A Boundary Layer Parameters Identification Method for Transition Prediction with Complex Grids[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231(11): 2068–2084.
[7] QIN Y, YAN C, HAO Z, ZHOU L. A Laminar Kinetic Energy Transition Model Appropriate for Hypersonic Flow Heat Transfer[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Ltd, 2017, 107: 1054–1064.
[8] HAO Z, YAN C, QIN Y, ZHOU L. Improved γ-Reθt Model for Heat Transfer Prediction of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Ltd, 2017, 107: 329–338.
[9] DU R, YAN C, QU F, ZHOU L. Investigation of all-speed schemes for turbulent simulations with low-speed features[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 0(37): 095441001668714.
[1] 《湍流與轉捩數值模拟方法》,趙瑞,周玲,閻超,季路成,2019.3
[1] 周玲,黃明珂,郝子輝,季路成,一種用于非結構網格的獲取邊界層非當地變量信息的方法,2022,CN112818573B
[2] 周玲,于郡生,蒙童桐,季路成,一種使用軸流導葉的向心渦輪,2022,CN113074022B
[3] 蒙童桐,李鑫,周玲,季路成,一種雙軸雙涵低速大尺寸變循環壓氣機試驗台,2021,CN111779700B
[1] 周玲, 蒙童桐, 季路成, 朱慧玲, 李嘉賓, 李鑫, 費騰,壓氣機葉片端壁融合造型軟件V1.0,2022.
[2] 周玲, 季路成, 李嘉賓, 付豪, 朱慧玲, 費騰, 李鑫,葉式渦流發生器源項模型BAY及BAYC算法軟件V1.0,2022.
[3] 周玲, 費騰, 季路成, 李偉偉, 李鑫, 李嘉賓,壓氣機通流特性計算軟件V1.0,2022.
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