長期從事航空航天先進熱管理材料及技術研究。從材料、機理和應用角度深入研究了液态金屬先進熱管理技術,并推動了其在航空航天、信息通訊等領域的産業應用。已出版能源領域相關英文學術專著1 部(Y.G. Deng, J. Liu, Liquid Metals for Advanced Energy Applications. AIP Publishing, 2022),以第一/通訊作者在Energy Convers. Manag.,Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transf.,Appl. Therm. Eng.,ASME J Electron Packag等國際知名期刊發表論文近30篇,獲ASME美國機械工程師學會Journal of Electronic Packaging 2010-2011年度唯一最佳論文獎。獲授權專利十餘項,部分專利成果成功轉讓企業。此外,負責研制了國内首套液态金屬芯片散熱産品,并實現其産業化。該産品作為北京市重大科技産業化項目參加了“創新中關村2010”主題活動,受到新華社、新浪網、鳳凰網等多家媒體報道,并榮獲“第十三屆北京技術市場金橋獎項目一等獎”。
[1] Y.G. Deng, J. Liu, Liquid Metals for Advanced Energy Applications. AIP Publishing, 2022.
[2] Y.G. Deng, Handbook of Liquid Metals, “Chapter 5 Advanced liquid metal cooling” and “Chapter 6 Liquid metal based heat recovery”. Elsevier, 2023.
[3] 劉靜, 鄧月光, 賈得巍. 超常規能源技術. 北京: 科學出版社. 2010.
[1] Y.G. Deng, M.M. Zhang, Y. Jiang, J. Liu. Two-stage multichannel liquid–metal cooling system for thermal management of high-heat-flux-density chip array. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 259: 115591.(IF: 9.7)
[2] Y.G. Deng, Y. Jiang, J. Liu. Liquid metal technology in solar power generation - Basics and applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021, 222:110925.(IF: 6.98)
[3] Y.G. Deng, Y. Jiang, J. Liu. Low-melting-point liquid metal convective heat transfer: A review. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 193:117021. (IF: 4.72)
[4] Y.G. Deng, Y. Jiang. High-performance, safe, and reliable soft-metal thermal pad for thermal management of electronics. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 199:117555. (IF: 4.72)
[5] Y.G. Deng, E.T. E, J. Li et al. Materials, fundamentals, and technologies of liquid metals toward carbon neutrality. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2022.
[6] Y.G. Deng, J.Li, E.T.Er, Emerging roles of liquid metals in carbon neutrality. Frontiers in Energy, 2022. (Invited)
[7] 鄧月光,張曼曼,姜毅.複合式液态金屬熱管理技術研究進展.中國材料大會,2021. (邀請報告)
[8] Y.G. Deng, J. Liu. Design of practical liquid metal cooling device for heat dissipation of high Performance CPUs. ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2010, 132(3):1-6.(美國機械工程師學會ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging 2010-2011年度唯一“Best Paper Award”)
[9] Y.G. Deng, J. Liu. A liquid metal cooling system for the thermal management of high power LEDs. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 37(7):788-791.
[10] Y.G. Deng, J. Liu. An experimental investigation of liquid metal thermal joint. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 56(1):152-156.
[1] Jing Liu, Yueguang Deng. Generators using bio-kinetic energy. US Patent, US 8,314,503.
[2] 鄧月光,劉靜。一種基于過飽和鹽溶液結晶的快速成型方法及裝置。發明專利。 201110046167.8。
[3] 鄧月光,劉靜。一種基于低熔點金屬相變體積變化效應的溫度開關。發明專利。201110005672.8。
[4] 鄧月光,劉靜。一種基于金屬相變型柔性機械關節裝置。發明專利。201310259468.8。