1、Physics of Fluids, AIAA J. 《航空學報》、《兵工學報》等期刊審稿人
3、AIAA member
以第一作者或通訊作者身份共發表包括流體力學的卓越/頂級期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids在内的SCI論文35篇。
[1] Zhu,JW; Zhang,GQ*;Gao,L;Yu, SCM. Vortex ring formation process in starting jets with uniform background co- and counter-flow. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS;9(68):1-21.2023.
[2] Zhu,JW; Zhang,GQ*;Gao,L;Yu, SCM. The formation process of annular starting jets. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 47;1-31.2022.
[3] Zhu,JW; Zhang,GQ*;Gao,L;Yu, SCM. The circulation growth of non impulsive starting jet. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS;35;571 02;1-16. 2023.
[4] Zhang, GQ; Gao, SF; Xiang, GX*.Study on initiation mode of oblique detonation induced by a finite wedge. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS;33;161 02;1-12. 2021.
[5] Xiang, GX; Li, HY; Zhang, GQ*; Xie, XZ; Zhang,YC. Characteristics of the oblique detonation flow field induced by a complex wave structure. INTERNATION
AL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY;46;;17 435-17445. 2021.
[6] Li, GX; Zhang, GQ*; Zhang, YH; Ji, LC; Gao, SF. Influence of viscous boundary layer on initiation zone structure of two-dimensional oblique detonation wave. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY; 163;;177-188. 2021.
[7] Zhang,GQ*; Li, GX; Wang, KL. Wave structure of oblique detonation disturbed by an expansion wave from a bended tunnel. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING ;180;115856;1-8. 2020.
[8] Zhang, GQ. Switching mechanism investigation for the supersonic jet element: Deflection, attachment and adjustment stages. ACTA ASTRONAUTIC A;163;;208-224. 2019.
[9] Zhang, GQ. Aerodynamic optimal design for a glider with the supersonic airfoil based on the hybrid MIGA-SA method. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY;
92;;224-231. 2017.
[10] Zhang, GQ. Investigation of Lamb-Oseen Vortex Evolution and Decay in Ground Proximity With Obstacle. JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THEASME;141; 1-9.2019.
[11] Zhang, G.Q.Parametric investigation of drag reduction formarine vessels using air-filled dimpled surfaces. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES; 13;3;244-255. 2018.
[12] Zhang, G.Q.* Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Morphing Tandem-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. AIAA J. Aircraft, 2012, 49(5): 1315-1323.
[13] Zhang, G.Q.*Aerodynamic Characteristics of Canard-Forward Swept Wing Aircraft Configurations. AIAA J. Aircraft, 2012, 50(2): 378-387.
[14] Zhang, G. Q.* Investigation of two degrees of freedom on vortex-induced vibration under the wake interference of an oscillating airfoil. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 133: 423-435.
[15] Zhang, G. Q.* Vortex-induced vibration for an isolated circular cylinder under the wake interference of an oscillating airfoil: Part II. Single degree of freedom. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 133: 311-323.