[1]第一作者 “Combustion characteristics of skeleton polymer reinforced paraffin-wax fuel grain for applications in hybrid rocket motors”,Combustion and Flame, 2022.
[2]通訊作者 “Investigation of dynamic combustion characteristics of in variable thrust hybrid rocket motor”, Combustion and Flame, 2023
[3]第一作者,”Low intermediate speed impact induced ignition and damage of a novel high energy solid propellant”, Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics,2023
[4]通訊作者 “Investigation of the effect of axial gap on the mechanical response of a cartridge-loaded CMDB propellant grain under vibration loads”International Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2023
[5]通訊作者 “Investigations on the Thermal Response of a Solid Rocket Motor with Complex Charge Structure Using Cl-20/Glycidyl Azide Polymer (Gap) Propellant”, Case Study in Thermal Engineering, 2022
[6]第一作者 “ Predicting simultaneously fields of soot temperature and volume fraction in laminar sooting flames from soot radiation measurements - A convolutional neural networks approach”, Optics Express, 2022.
[7]通訊作者 “Effect of high temperature on mechanical properties and porosity of carbon fiber/epoxy composites”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composite ,2022
[8]通訊作者“Investigations of the mechanical response of a HTPB propellant grain under ultrahigh acceleration overload using onboard measurements of flight tests”,Defence Technology, 2023
[9]第一作者 “Combustion characterization of a CH4/O2 rapid mixed swirl torch igniter for hybrid rocket motor”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020
[10]第一作者“Experimental investigation of fuel composition and mix-enhancer effects on the performance of paraffin-based hybrid rocket motors”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018
[11]第一作者 “Experimental investigation of laminar flame speed measurement for kerosene fuels: Jet A-1, Surrogate fuel and its pure components” Energy & Fuels, 2018
[12]第一作者 “Laminar flame speed of lignocellulosic biomass-derived oxygenates and blends of gasoline/oxygenates’’ Fuel, 2017
[13]第一作者 “Effects of optical diagnostic techniques on the accuracy of laminar flame speeds measured from Bunsen flames: OH* chemiluminescence, OH-PLIF and acetone/kerosene-PLIF” Measurement Science and Technology, 2017
[14]第一作者“Effects of pressure and preheating temperature on the laminar flame speed of methane/air and acetone/air mixtures’’ Fuel, 2016.
[15]通訊作者“Effects of Anharmonicity, Recrossing, Tunneling, and Pressure on the H-Abstractions from Dimethylamine by Triplets O and O2”The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2022.
[16]通訊作者 “Study of UV Rayleigh scattering thermometry for flame temperature field measurement”,Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 2019
[17]通訊作者 “Experimental and numerical studies of ignition delay time and laminar flame speed of JP-10 at elevated temperature conditions”, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022.
[18]通訊作者“3D 打印骨架增強石蠟燃料燃燒機理實驗研究” 推進技術,2021
[20]通訊作者“ RDX粒度對GAP/PET推進劑動态力學性能及撞擊點火響應行為的影響研究”, 火炸藥學報,2023
[21]通訊作者“GAP/CL-20 推進劑在快速熱刺激下的自着火特性”火炸藥學報,2023